
How’s it hanging my good people? SO, I got a new camera and a couple of other things yesterday and I got the opportunity to play around with them all today in my backyard. I called a couple of friends (and sent out word far and wide) for test subjects and these are the results of those tests.

First up was my friend Jacky. She popped in for a quick shoot and I did it sans reflector.

Next up was Ndila and her friend Claire. This shoot took a while as I was basically trying everything out. But the images I got are currently blowing my mind away :-). Lemme start with Ndila.

Assisting me with the lighting was Claire. She also had a go in front of the camera (albeit after a lot of coaxing).

This one’s a bonus image I’m adding at Ndila’s behest.


That last image was one of the best if not the best photo I took today. I’m really impressed with the tonal gradations this camera gives. As well as excited that I have autofocus again. No more unintenionally soft focused images 🙂 It’s a lot more difficult to use than the trusty Sony A200 that I’ve been using. Lots more buttons to fiddle with and settings to remember to set properly. But I guess with time and practise I’ll be at ease with it.
Next week, I’ll try out the video and I’ll definitely post the results here. Till then, keep it loose and have fun 😀


Do you guys think I should keep image size down like I have done for this post or stick to my full size images as before? Your thoughts would be HIGHLY appreciated 🙂

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