Portraits of a Photographer: Le Photo Ninja

I think it’s high time I outed a friend of mine. Her art goes by the title Just Nailantei photography but to some of us she’s known as Le Photo Ninja. I’ve been shooting with her a lot over the past couple of weeks and along the way, I collected quite a few images of her that I now feel I must share.

Lemme pick out my few favorites then I’ll let you go through the rest and leave your thoughts about them in the comment section below 😀  

This one will probably get me killed. But that’s what we’re usually doing when someone points a camera at us.

If photos could have a soul, this one would definitely have one. Taken as we were waiting for a client to make a quick wardrobe change while on set the other day.

And finally,

We call her Talanda 🙂 She’s known as Cathy by the rest of the world. She’s pretty great with grips and lighting.

More images, below. And in other news, I’m back to shooting in black and white more often than not *crowd goes wild*


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