Person(s) of the Day – Cecilia and Sarah

The best way to make a comeback is with a bang. That’s basically the purpose of this post 😀 Allow me to introduce you to:

Cecilia Sagini who is in her 2nd Year at USIU studying IBA, Marketing option.

Sarah Mugambi who is also in her 2nd Year at USIU studying IBA, Marketing option.
The story of how I met these two isn’t REALLY glamorous. I met Cecilia at Kinanda 8, we clicked then I met her again at the Ma3 launch on Saturday, decided she should feature on the blog and she brought her friend Sarah along for the shoot. We then proceeded to have a kick ass time and the results speak for themselves.
Their story is however a lot more interesting. Apparently they knew each other in primary and they stalked each other till campus. One of them (won’t say who) applied to join USIU and the other one upon hearing that applied as well. They both applied for the same course. And the rest is history.
Time for us to go into my usual 21 questions to them. I should say that getting the answers to these questions did take them both quite a while. Quite an interesting couple of minutes I must say 🙂
First off is Cecilia. When I asked what three things she’d not mind the world knowing about her, the first thing she said was that

she is a good swimmer. She then confessed to having a vocally oriented relationship with her shower. That is, she sings in the shower. I did hear her sing along to some songs as they were getting glam’d up for the shoot and she sure can sing. Her third and final thing was that she wants to be in the Olympics some day. Her choice of discipline was the shocker. She wants to go to the Olympics and compete in the shot put competition. I reserve my comments on this.
Next up is Sarah. Her first things was that she is good in the Arts. Second thing was a bit more interesting. She has a tattoo somewhere though she didn’t wanna mention where exactly. I’m still quite curious about the placement of that tattoo. Her third thing was that she is crazily weird sometimes. This was proudly pointed out by Cecilia. Who then went on to say that it’s kinda cool 🙂
I could easily tell that these two were long time friends just from the way they joked around and had fun the whole time we shot. We even got a few action shots like this one 😀
Ok, back to more serious matters. Time for future aspirations. In the next 10 years, Sarah wants to have the biggest fashion line in East Africa. She would also like to have 2 kids and a husband (of course) and hold the title of Marketing director for FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) manufacturing company. Especially the beverage oriented industries.
Cecilia would like to be a big shot with e’erything. Her words, not mine. Seriously though, she would like to have her own company and run it well. Probably an events management firm or something of the sort. Possibly, she would wanna have the right guy already and one kid at least.
Time for me to bring this lil’ shindig to an end. A few words about the shoot, my home-made reflector really came in handy to make the photos really pop. The sun was playing tricks with me the whole time so I wasn’t really able to get any of my famous backlit shots done. However, if all goes according to plan, I should be doing another shoot with these two some time soon. I hope the sun will be cooperative second time around.
This is just the beginning of the great things I have lined up for you this week so make sure you follow the blog and sign up to be emailed when new posts come out. To keep y’all busy till tomorrow, do take some time to enjoy the slideshow below of all the notable images from the shoot 😀

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6 thoughts on “Person(s) of the Day – Cecilia and Sarah”

  1. nyc photos…just an idea i am a skater in xul with a few of my shoud i go about if i want our shoots taken.

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