Bringing the Urban to the Jungle

Last year, I had the priviledge of organizing and doing a shoot at a lovely location deep in the heart of Tigoni. In front of the lens were Tony, Imani and Joanne while behind the lens I had the lovely Barbara assisting me and doing behind the scenes while Naomi most graciously arranged for the location. I must say this was my first (and very feeble) try at a location shoot with a theme. We sure had a whole lot of fun while we were at it πŸ˜€

I’ve been lazy with getting the photos out but since 2012 is the year of the Kenyan photographer (and so agreesΒ Mutua), allow me quit the laziness and now give you a glimpse of what transpired that day.

For more images, hit up the gallery and slideshow below πŸ˜€

Before that though, I have to show you some of the behind the scenes pics I managed to capture.

My lovely assistant Barbara πŸ™‚

Joanne during one of our rest breaks

The team πŸ˜€ (This photo will most definitely get me killed. But it was worth it :-))


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