Bringing the Urban to the Jungle

Last year, I had the priviledge of organizing and doing a shoot at a lovely location deep in the heart of Tigoni. In front of the lens were Tony, Imani and Joanne while behind the lens I had the lovely Barbara assisting me and doing behind the scenes while Naomi most graciously arranged for the location. I must say this was my first (and very feeble) try at a location shoot with a theme. We sure had a whole lot of fun while we were at it πŸ˜€

I’ve been lazy with getting the photos out but since 2012 is the year of the Kenyan photographer (and so agreesΒ Mutua), allow me quit the laziness and now give you a glimpse of what transpired that day.

For more images, hit up the gallery and slideshow below πŸ˜€

Before that though, I have to show you some of the behind the scenes pics I managed to capture.

My lovely assistant Barbara πŸ™‚

Joanne during one of our rest breaks

The team πŸ˜€ (This photo will most definitely get me killed. But it was worth it :-))


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Lunch and Fun in Tigoni

A couple of days before Christmas, I had the privilege of joining some interesting people for a lunch in Tigoni. This is what transpired…

There were some beautiful pillow cases

@IAMCouscous looking resplendent

The pastor,

and his guitar.

Mark, and my sunglasses.

and Nanjira and her sunglasses.

Of course these weren’t the only people who were there. A lot else happened and was photographed too. But these are the photos that really stood out to me. For more, do head over to Elsie’s blog and keep an eye on Kev’s site because they were probably a bit more serious about taking photos there than I was πŸ˜€ Plus, I ADORE Elsie’s camera.

End of the story. Now go contemplate what you’ve learnt as you suck an ice lolly to ward off the HEAT of Nairobi.

The Flowers of Tigoni

What’s good people? Reumac is back πŸ™‚ So, the other day I went to Tigoni to do some location scouting for a shoot and I happened to spot a couple of pretty flowers. Thought I should share them with you.Β 


As an added bonus, this is a shot of one of the roads we used walking around the location. I think I will use it for the shoot πŸ˜€

So make sure you keep an eye out for the images from the shoot. Soon as I do the shoot πŸ˜€