
Salutations my good people 😀 First off, my most sincere apologies for being MIA for a bit. I had to travel out of the city without warning and the quality of the internet connection in the areas I travelled to was a tad appalling. However, I’m back now and I trust that my Instagram feed kept you entertained as I traversed the country.

So I had the absolute pleasure of shooting with Tatty and Angie just before I left the city. The location was an old abandoned house in Kilimani. I had a different title in mind for this post then as I was looking through the images I realized that most, if not all, of them has some frame of some sort surrounding the subject. Don’t know what was going through my mind that day. So here are my fav images.

Something about the light in this shot. Don’t ask me what it is.

It’s all about the framing in this one.

I’m beyond words for this one. Beyond words.

This photo just makes me happy 😀

For other images from this shoot, do have a look through the image gallery below. Enjoy!!