An Afternoon with Feven

My creativity in post titles has gone to the dogs these days. Sigh. What’s good people? First off, due to many many many instances of theft, I’m trying out a new watermark on my images. Do tell me what you think about it on the comments section.

Now, I had the absolute honor of shooting with Feven yesterday afternoon. Needless to say, I was in shock and awe the whole time because she was so easy to work with and the images were so great one after the other. Below is a montage of my favorite 2 images of them all.


But enough talk now. Enjoy gallery ๐Ÿ˜€

An Afternoon with Asha

First, before y’all kill me, I just had the absolute pleasure of taking shots of miss Asha of Turande. And they were so good that I got convinced to blog again. It’s not very often that a photographer gets a chance to photograph a photographer ๐Ÿ˜€


This is undoubtedly my favorite image from the whole shoot.



Si you know I likes my monochromatic images? ๐Ÿ˜€



She looks FIERCE in this one. And finally,



So pretty! Asha showed up with her cousin Wambui who was a great help with holding my equip and what not.

Before I leave y’all to stare open mouthed at the gallery below, my most sincere apologies for not blogging since the end of last year. I am to blame. But imma try now. Promise.

Reumac out.


The Pink Move

Salutations friends ๐Ÿ™‚

So this October, Reumac Shot This supported a couple of breast cancer awareness initiatives. I usually don’t pick favorites, but my favorite hands down was The Pink Move that was organized by a couple of friends of mine. Our first shoot was spectacular. My best 2 images from that were:


and because I’m allowed to cheat (since the blog is mine anyway)

Then we did another shoot so we could get diversity in our images. Which yielded these gems:



To crown off the month and promote a yearlong awareness activity calendar they have, The Pink Move hosted a Pink Party at Skyluxx last Saturday. I dropped by for a while to show my support. And got this amazing photo while I was there. It’s probably gonna get me killed, but heck. I have a secret bunker somewhere ๐Ÿ˜€

So before I make my quick getaway, do follow The Pink Move on Twitter and keep abreast (see what I did there? ๐Ÿ™‚ with all their activities. They are definitely gonna make a difference. Oh, and enjoy the gallery of images below ๐Ÿ˜€


Salutations my good people ๐Ÿ˜€ First off, my most sincere apologies for being MIA for a bit. I had to travel out of the city without warning and the quality of the internet connection in the areas I travelled to was a tad appalling. However, I’m back now and I trust that my Instagram feed kept you entertained as I traversed the country.

So I had the absolute pleasure of shooting with Tatty and Angie just before I left the city. The location was an old abandoned house in Kilimani. I had a different title in mind for this post then as I was looking through the images I realized that most, if not all, of them has some frame of some sort surrounding the subject. Don’t know what was going through my mind that day. So here are my fav images.

Something about the light in this shot. Don’t ask me what it is.

It’s all about the framing in this one.

I’m beyond words for this one. Beyond words.

This photo just makes me happy ๐Ÿ˜€

For other images from this shoot, do have a look through the image gallery below. Enjoy!!

Swahili Fashion Week – Nairobi Showcase.

Salutations my good people ๐Ÿ˜€ I trust y’all had a most awesome week. I had theย privilegeย of being AnnSophie Achera’s personal photographer at the Swahili Fashion week this past weekend. When I was not furiously snapping away as her collection was showcasing on the runway, I was taking other images as I saw them. Here are a few notable ones.

First off, I noticed this pretty girl seated across from me and every time she turned to look at the screens, the light caught her face in a most lovely way. Took me a while but I finally got this shot of her.ย 

Then, I caught up with the beautiful Sarah Hassan before the show started. That’s someone I need to work with REAL soon. This is a shot I luckily got after the show was done and she was recording a PTC for her show on Africa Magic.

And finally, this is my shot of the night. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t have an answer for that question. It’s just one of those things.

More images in the gallery below. Please show some love to my friend by liking her page. That’s where the images of her collection on the runway will probably premiere ๐Ÿ˜€ And check out my page on Facebook for more images from the event ๐Ÿ™‚

What do y’all think of the latest design of the blog? Good? Bad? Ugly? Don’t really care as long as the posts keep coming? Please leave me a comment and lemme know. Dhangk ๐Ÿ™‚

So I Shot a Girl…

And she was pretty! Her name is Wofa and she was introduced to me by Le Photo Ninja. SO, allow me to prove that she’s quite the beauty.

Since our favorite thing to do as we shoot is to take photos of each other, I’ve thrown in some photos of Le Photo Ninja herself and her cohorts ๐Ÿ˜€


If you think these are anything, you should see what she got on her camera. It’s for blowing minds and things ๐Ÿ™‚


Hello my good people!!!

I trust everyone is fabulous, yes? So my content strategy has suffered a few setbacks of recent so today I’m going to point you in the direction of where you should look for more photos by Reumac. I saw a post by my good friend Mutua a couple of days before the beginning of the month about this exciting Instagram project entitled #Kenya365 that he was going to undertake in conjunction with a couple of other photographers. Read more about it here. I decided to take the challenge as well and you can see my photos so far on my Instagram or my Tumblr. If you want a treat, check out that hashtag on Instagram. The images there are quite something ๐Ÿ˜€

Keep it fresh people ๐Ÿ™‚ Lemme look for photos to put up later in the week….

Tasty Treats – My Vegetable Salad

So the other day I decided to take a swing at this food styling thing. Thought up a salad I would wanna eat then went to the supermarket and got myself a few things to make it. This is what I came home with.


After a bit of slicing and dicing and test shooting, I took the salad into the late evening sun that was streaming through my balcony door and had some fun with it. First, the birds eye view shot.

I decided at that point that I didn’t like the results enough to continue shooting so I stuck a fork in it, threw a couple of slices of avocado on top and took 2 last shots before I dived in.

And that dear friends is the story of my first (failed) attempt at food styling. Gonna be doing a lot more of such in the future so you can only look forward to more failures and lots more successes ๐Ÿ™‚

In other news, I’m taking part in the #Kenya365 project on Instagram so you should definitely check out that hashtag as well as my Instagram account (reumac) to keep abreast with my progress. I’ll try to do a weekly round up at the end of every week for all of you (blackberry users especially *flashes loser sign at them*) who can’t get on Instagram ๐Ÿ™‚

A Taste of Things to come

Hey everybody *waves* I know I’ve been MIA for a while and I’M SORRY. *dodges missiles* I shall soon be making my come back. And it’ll be in a BIG way. So don’t give up reading just yet ๐Ÿ˜€

To whet your collective appetites, here are images from a shoot I directed over the weekend for my good friends Nailantei and designer Maria. Enjoy!!

Tasty Treats – Vegetable Salad

This week, we’re going all healthy and things on the tasty treats segement ๐Ÿ˜€ I present to you vegetable salad as presented to me atย The Mvuli House.

Fresher than tomorrow’s lettuce and so good for you ๐Ÿ™‚ You have to try out ย The Mvuli House soon. I couldn’t believe such a gem has remained so close to the CBD and the airport. And it’s affordable too ๐Ÿ˜€

More Tasty Treats for you next week. For now, did you know that I have exclusive offers running on myย Facebook page? Check it out and like to keep updated. While you’re at it, check out myย Tumblelogย and follow ๐Ÿ˜€