Flashback Friday 02 – Kalmar at Night

On this second installment of Flashback Fridays, we delve into a photo walk I had on a late pre-summer night in Kalmar. Photo walks were a way I could spend time shooting with a fellow photographer to get tips on composition and what not. This photo walk was mainly focusing on getting good long exposures. Let me not say much more. Here are the images. The shoot started at sun down. That was about 9 PM because summer was starting. And that was one of the best sunsets I had ever seen while I was living at Falkensbergsvagen.

My first stop was the Kalmar Tower. It stood tall and proud in the middle of the city centre right next to the river. I loved how the light emanated from it 😀

I loved how the lights at the Kalmar Theatern kept changing colours so it was a very good candidate for a long exposure. This was a 5 second exposure 😀 Pretty eh?

And finally,this one is  just to prove I was out pretty late 😀

That marks an end to edition 2 of Flashback Fridays. Here’s wishing you a great start to the weekend 😀


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