Person(s) of the Day – Cynthia and Julie Buku

What’s good people?! I trust everyone had a weekend as eventful and fun-filled as mine 😀

This is one of those weeks that we will start with a mega post. Allow me to introduce you to Cynthia (left) and Julie (right).

Ardent readers of the blog will by now have realized that I have featured Julie in several other posts like this one, and this one. Cynthia is a new entrant and hopefully she will be featured as often as her sister.

So, let’s start with the new comer. Cynthia is a second year student at the University of Nairobi, Kabete Campus and she’s studying for a Bsc. in Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics.

When I asked her 3 things about her that the world did not know, she said:

1. Not every song is her favorite song. (ok, this is an inside joke :-))

2. She secretly misses her braces.

3. She can’t express anger.

In the next 10 years she wants to be “rich, married and probably working in a hospital as a clinical nutritionist”. She also dreams of starting a wellness centre some time in the future.

Something interesting she told me while we were talking, she tends to surprise herself a lot so she won’t be surprised if, in the future, she achieves a lot more than she said she would.

Let’s shift attention to Julie. She’s a senior, studying for a BA in Psychology at the United States International University – Africa.

When I asked what her 3 things were she said:

1. She has really bad stagefright although she loves performing.

2.She sucks at saving money (don’t we all…)

3. She cries very easily. Cynthia apparently makes fun of this a lot but Julie sees it as not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength because she’s in tune with her emotions.

In the next 10 years, she hopes to have started a school breakfast program especially for schools in the rural and slum areas in Kenya. She’s doing a very enlightening study for her senior project on the effects of a standard breakfast on how students are able to learn during the day.

Now for a bit of information about the shoot. It happened this Sunday afternoon in a span of 10 – 15 minutes. The whole idea was to quickly get a few good pics of the both of them, as well as a few good pics of them individually. My day was overbooked so I really couldn’t spare much more time. The ladies were wonderfully cooperative and intuitive with posing. I am sure that the pictures speak volumes about that. I am looking forward to doing another shoot with them really soon. A themed shoot to be precise. That’s something you should also look forward to on the blog 😀

Do look out for more beautiful moments like these throughout this week. I am going to try to post every day so I can make up for the 2 days I missed out last week. Key word here is try 😀 Big shout out to everyone who’s been visiting the blog regularly. You’re my favorite person in this world!

15 thoughts on “Person(s) of the Day – Cynthia and Julie Buku”

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