The Pink Move

Salutations friends 🙂

So this October, Reumac Shot This supported a couple of breast cancer awareness initiatives. I usually don’t pick favorites, but my favorite hands down was The Pink Move that was organized by a couple of friends of mine. Our first shoot was spectacular. My best 2 images from that were:


and because I’m allowed to cheat (since the blog is mine anyway)

Then we did another shoot so we could get diversity in our images. Which yielded these gems:



To crown off the month and promote a yearlong awareness activity calendar they have, The Pink Move hosted a Pink Party at Skyluxx last Saturday. I dropped by for a while to show my support. And got this amazing photo while I was there. It’s probably gonna get me killed, but heck. I have a secret bunker somewhere 😀

So before I make my quick getaway, do follow The Pink Move on Twitter and keep abreast (see what I did there? 🙂 with all their activities. They are definitely gonna make a difference. Oh, and enjoy the gallery of images below 😀

Person of the Day – Anne Moraa

Allow me to introduce you to the very talented Anne Moraa a.k.a @queenmoraa. She is a holder of an LLB from Nottingham University. How we met is another long story for another day.

As I got to know more about Anne I discovered the depth of talent she posesses. This is one girl who is going places for sure. Despite her qualification in Law, she is a gifted writer (samples of her work can be seen here) and she had a deep passion for helping the underprivileged young writers . To this end, she is running a training project at the Kibera Girls Soccer Academy to aid the girls attain their full potential. Anne is also involved in the Kibera Mpiira Mtaani project run by @visionafrica where she, @wamathai and others train young kids creative writing skills every Sunday afternoon. Yet another very inspiring project that I would recommend you find out about. I would also recommend you join them and help make that difference to the less priviledged in society.

Enough biographical material about Anne for now. What I should mention about that shoot is that it was done in my former studio using @misteralbie‘s Nikon D90 as part of a training session with him to show him the ropes of shooting with that fantasic camera. It was with 2 Prolite D300 strobes set to continous light. I like shooting with continuous lighting in studio most times because you can easily predict how your lighting set up will look like in the shots. Plus, you get such beautiful eye lights with the continuous lighting 😀

This last pic will probably earn me a tongue lashing from Anne, but I think it’s totally worth it. We called this one her ‘Mom look’. Apparently, this is the same look her mother gives her. And as they say, like mother, like daughter.

That marks the end of today’s post. To find out more about Anne, you can follow her on twitter here, and also please feel free to view her work here and here.


Hat tip goes to @akellove for introducing me to Anne earlier this year.

Person of the Day – Farida

So today I have the pleasure of introducing to you a hot girl who convinced me to shoot her with only one smile. Her name is Farida, a journalism student in USIU.

The shoot was kinda a challenge for me as I wasn’t really prepared and had to scout the location in a few minutes. She’d got the camera and some video lights and smiled at me to take the photos.  So I did find a location with my trusty side kick @weka_tyre, set up the lights to bounce off the roof and started clicking away, all within less than 30 minutes. Talk about one touch. She really worked it for the camera and I should say I thoroughly enjoyed this shoot. Quite thoroughly.

Farida is someone I have gotten to know and appreciate over the past like 2 years and  I see a very bright future ahead for this one. Look out Kenya!

One last thing, when I say this girl be beautiful, this is what I mean: She once brought a large part of USIU to a halt as she walked from the cafeteria to Fifi’s. *Reumac runs away and hides*

Picture of the Day – Memories…

Like 2 years ago I had a Canon 400D and I was given a nice 50mm F1.8 prime lens as a gift by my cousin so I could build my business with it. A friend of mine asked to have a shoot with me and I took the chance to test drive that little bad boy. I will be killed for sharing this photo, but I am below caring right now. Model’s name is Mable.
The wonders that lens could create….sigh. I miss it so. Here’s wishing y’all a wonderful weekend 😀

Person(s) of the day – Frankie and Julie

What’s happening people?! First off, apologies for not posting yesterday. I was not feeling so well. I thought that it would be fitting to put these pictures up today. If you all remember, I did a post on Frank and his brother Tony a while ago and I had promised you another post from our second shoot. Well, this is just part one of that post 😀
Introducing JulieFrankie and Julie are the two people who make me (single person) feel bad that I am alone. There, I said it. But really, they are 2 cool cats who make love seem so nice. And they work so well in front of a camera as a couple.

So to date they remain my favorite couple to shoot 😀

And now, I need to join them at a pool party at Julie’s place so more pics when I come back from there 😀 One last shot though, a head shot of Frankie I love.

And with that, here’s wishing y’all a wonderful weekend. Monday we will have all new photos of….stuff 😀


Person of the day – Samantha Kerubo Angwenyi

Hello good people!

I apologize for being so MIA. I was taking some ME tie. Very important I tell you.

So anyway, as I was cleaning up my old dinosaur the other day, I stumbled upon my portfolio from 2 years ago and thought it wise to start my come back with some great photos from back then.

My friend Samantha came to take some photos at the studio just for my portfolio.

She was an amazing model, even if it was her first time. That was a sunday morning well spent 😀

That does it for this post. More soon!

Persons of the Day – Frankie and Tony

What’s a happening people? Ok, so I haven’t come close to a computer in a while thus why no new posts have gone up till now. But worry not, the Mac is back!!!

I did this shoot as part of my target practice. The men in question are two friends of mine, Anthony and Frank (@weka_tyre and @ch1ps_beba respectively on twitter) They are brothers so it was a family thing 😀

This is the first of 2 shoots that I did with the boys so check back soon for the next one 😀They worked quite well together and most of the pics we got were awesome. And quite funny 😀

This is Frank in his element. Please note that the umbrella light in the background is my trademark 😛

And I just had to do the same with his brother Tony 😀

The one thing that I really don’t like about shooting men is that most of them just don’t know what to do with themselves in front of cameras (myself included) but that was not a challenge with these brothers.

If you wanna know more about these boys, just go follow them on twitter (@weka_tyre and @ch1ps_beba)

Till later this week, DEUCES!!!!

Person of the day – Barbara

I am sometimes prone to shooting my friends just for target practise 😀

Some time last year I had the priviledge of having my friend Barbara pose for me. These are some of the images that came out of that shoot.

All who know me know that I am a fan of raw pics. I think there’s a certain beauty that’s lost in doing too much post processing. The one thing I loved about this shoot is that I put my sweat into ensuring I have the best photos from the start. I think you can see that 😀

Barbara was a lovely model. She wants to be a photographer too so part of the shoot was to show her how to light subjects and what not. Most of the shoot was in B/W to illustrate high key and low key lighting.

But we did have a lot of fun the whole time 😀