Picture of The Day – Joy

What’s happening good people?! This is me hoping that everyone has had a most fantastic weekend and thanking you once again for being that person checking out my blog right now 😀

Today’s post is the last in a series of posts about a shoot I had at the Ngong Hills with @tindilicious 2 sundays ago. Now, these days I have learnt that having someone at your side at shoots is important because there are things you will not see as a photographer that someone else will see. Like a misplaced strand of hair. Or a hand that’s placed funny. So I try as much as possible to have someone acting as my second pair of eyes. For that shoot, my friend Joy was so gracious as to accompany us. While Tindi and Mulwa were figuring out their poses, I took this lovely shot of Joy.

I will try to get her in front of the camera again in the near future so that I can do a full person of the day post about her. Let’s hope she doesn’t run away from the camera 😀
Coming up this week is a whole lot of wonderful photos for you, so make sure you make this blog your first stop on the internet every day 😉 Feel free to drop me a comment below by the way…

Picture of The Day – Paradise Tree

So this past Sunday I did a lot. After a shoot with the  Buku sisters, I had to dash off to the Ngong hills for a shoot with @tindilicious and her boyfriend. The photos from that shoot will be up tomorrow. Anyhu, Tindi spotted a tree somewhere down the face of one hill that had such luscious green grass under it while the grass around it was dry and brown.

A slice of paradise in the middle of desperation. Me thinks 😀

Picture of The Day – Windmills

What it does people?! So, today’s post is about one of those pictures that gets lost in the batch while photos are being edited after a shoot. A short while ago, I took out my brother’s car and some of my friends and went to shoot at the Ngong hills. What transpired afterwards was 2 great person of the day posts which you can view here and here. This photos is one I took as I was waiting for the shoot director to do her props thing 😀

Lovely eh? Keep it here for more wonderful images as the week progresses, coming to your computer screen thanks to tihs blog 😀

Person of the Day – Kavosa Assava

Allow me to introduce you to Kavosa. She is an International Relations senior at United States International University.

When she’s not in school, she dances, writes poetry, enjoys music, and loves to eat and hate.

In the next 5 years she would like to have finished her law degree. She also wants to run a school or NGO for the under privileged in society where, through individual sponsorship, they can be fed, educated and can nurture their talents and get psychological support.

In her words, she wants to make people’s dreams come true and her motto is “live life, don’t waste it, love it”

These images are part of a shoot I did at the Ngong  Hills. Kavosa was the only one who replied to my tweets about the shoot. I should say she was fantastic to work with. She could’ve been a professional model 😀

This last one is a bonus image I took of my props supervisor/shoot director Kadryn and Kavosa. Quite something huh?

Person of the Day – Christine Njeri

Allow me to introduce you to Christine. She is an IT student at JKUAT in her final year.

I met Christine this past sunday. She heeded to the call I had sent out last week for people to shoot and shoot with at the Ngong hills on sunday and she’d offered to help shoot. She ended up posing for quite a few photos herself apart from doing lighting. She is seriously all about fashion and maintains a  a facebook page entitled “the fashionista mansion” which is all about fashion trends and styles. She is currently working on a blog which will be about my personal style and fashion news and styles. I will link to it as soon as it is up.

In the near future she wants to be “an amazing stylist for an awesome magazine” (her words, not mine). She also wants to own her own fashion store like Mr. Price or Truworths. She is also working on her own fashion website which will cover all that there is to know about the fashion industry in Kenya. She really wishes we had Vogue Magazine in East Africa (I am not an ardent Vogue reader but I must concur).

Christine says that she is all about fashion and she really wishes that she will get a nice job in fashion and get to go Paris, Milan and all the major fashion cities around the world. Fun facts about her, she thinks she’s the craziest person about fashion, and she thinks she’s a major shopaholic but  down to earth kinda person.

More stories about the shoot can be found here. I do have to make special mention of Christine’s agility. She was able to climb a gigantic crane, in heels. That’s some skill, I tell you.


Till later this week, enjoy!!!



I did a bit of photoshop to some of the images. If only to show those punks who were deriding my work that I was working with photoshop while they were still wearing shorts in primary school. As @MutuaMatheka said, photoshop is supposed to enhance the image.

Rendezvous in the Hills – Behind the Scenes

What’s good y’all?! Apologies for being away for the past few days. It’s been an interestingly busy weekend.


Anyhu, late last week I sent out a general call on my Twitter and Facebook for people who would be interested to join me at a shoot atop the Ngong hills. The reactions wasn’t fantastic but in retrospect, it was a good thing we weren’t too many people. gave me a chance to focus my energies on the 2 who I ended up shooting.

It was a really fun shoot. Kavosa was the main model and she really really brought it. Kadryn did creative direction and Christine did lighting.

That was Kadryn at work helping Christine pose for a shot. I should say she did a really good job of thinking up poses for both Kavosa and Christine and she was wonderful with props and setting up a scene.

Every shoot has it’s fun moments and we had our fair share of them. My favorite one was right before we called it a wrap when the whole crew started dancing to a luhya wedding song. (I am gonna get skinned alive for posting this picture 🙂

I am thankful for this crew who worked together with a synergy that was on it’s own special level even if they’d only just met. I will be bringing the images from that shoot in 2 installments this week. Both will be person of the day posts about Kavosa and Christine. Look out for those.


Till later, have fun y’all 😀